
Readers React: Lock up your guns and ammo, ‘responsible’ firearm owners

Two women participate in an open carry rally in Austin, Texas, on Jan. 1.

Two women participate in an open carry rally in Austin, Texas, on Jan. 1.

(Erich Schlegel / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Innocent people “somehow” get shot because too many “responsible” gun owners are, in fact, extremely irresponsible. The shootings described by Peter Manseau are the result of negligent gun owners who, through their carelessness, selfishness and cavalier attitudes about lethal weapons, put their own lives and the lives of innocent people at risk. (“Guns are designed to kill. So why do we express shock when they do?” Opinion, April 17)

Safe firearm storage would prevent negligent shootings — euphemistically called accidental or unintentional shootings — and could reduce firearm suicide, which is often done at home using the family gun. Storing firearms safely — unloaded and locked with the ammunition locked separately — can prevent these tragedies.

“Somehow” all gun owners must behave responsibly. Until they do, the rest of us must be vigilant about asking if there are incorrectly stored firearms at the places frequented by our loved ones and us.


Loren Lieb, Northridge


To the editor: Thanks to Manseau for his straightforward piece about accidental gun deaths and injuries “somehow” happening to Americans.

Perhaps if we called guns what they are, the phrase “somehow the killing machine went off” might awaken our nation to the danger of guns in America.


Nicky Noxonm, Westlake Village

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