
Readers React: How much does Bernie Sanders really care about Democrats winning in November?

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To the editor: In his excellent piece, Doyle McManus addresses a central question in the current presidential campaign: the issue of how much of a Democrat Sen. Bernie Sanders is. (“What’s Bernie Sanders’ next move?” Opinion, May 8)

If Sanders does indeed care what happens to Democrats this year, including down-ballot candidates, he should not only stop attacking Hillary Clinton, he should start preparing his supporters to pivot to her at the end of the primary season. Threatening to go after her superdelegates at the convention is not only hypocritical, it could fatally divide the party.

It’s time to show your true colors, Sen. Sanders.

Joan Walston, Santa Monica



To the editor: I can’t agree with McManus. What Sanders should do (and I believe he will) is increase the pressure on Hillary Clinton.

McManus writes that the Sanders campaign is about pushing the Democratic Party to the left — a secondary strategy should it fail to prevail at the convention — and that in this regard, it has “mostly succeeded.” Why would he think this effort has been successful?

It’s clear that very few members of the Clinton campaign want anything to do with Sanders. Their promises, made in the heat of a primary campaign, are meaningless.


To stand down now would defeat Sanders’ insurgent campaign. It will not happen.

Mark Hupf, Palm Desert

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