
Readers React: No plans to bring grizzlies back to California


To the editor: The Times refers to a petition asking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to reintroduce grizzly bears to California. (“If grizzly bears returned, would Californians be safe?,” Editorial, Aug. 6)

The editorial creates the impression that the service is seriously considering this idea, doing a great disservice to readers and the concept of sensible wildlife management. In fact, we have absolutely no intention of reintroducing grizzlies to the state.

The remarkable success of grizzly bear recovery is a direct result of a strong and committed partnership among federal, state and local governments designed to minimize conflicts with humans across the bears’ range. While the Sierra Nevadas may have habitat that meets the physical requirements for bears, they’re also home to millions of people and visitors.


If grizzlies spread into the Sierras on their own, we’ll work with our partners to protect both people and bears. But just because an outside party sends us a poorly conceived “petition” is not grounds to incite concerns among your readers.

Dan Ashe, Washington

The writer is director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
