
Readers React: Hillary Clinton’s email issue: Is she fit to be president?

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To the editor: If Hillary Rodham Clinton had used both the government email server and her own private server as secretary of State, there would be no basis to ask to see her private server. It would be assumed that all government business was done on government email, even though the email sender can choose which account to use. (“Hillary Clinton’s email issue: a self-inflicted wound,” editorial, Aug. 13)

If we could not see Clinton’s private server, we would not know if there had been improper postings on or from her private server.

Do we, therefore, have a right to ask that all candidates make all their emails public, whether on a government account or a private account?


Eliot Samulon, Los Angeles


To the editor: One of the responsibilities of having a government security clearance is to appropriately manage information entrusted to your safekeeping, and being able to discern what is confidential, secret or top secret. These categories have clearly published guidelines to ensure the proper classification is assigned.

The whimsy of declaring that it hasn’t been established that Clinton sent or received classified emails is naive. How else would classified data have been received on her server?


My fear is that the data may have been accessed by Chinese or Russian hackers, putting the interests of the United States at risk.

It’s evident that Clinton lacks the character and good judgment to lead this nation.

Vic Miranda, Agoura Hills

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