
Readers React: It’s time to start rationing water to the rich


To the editor: Making water more expensive for those who can easily afford it is not a very sensible solution and simply reinforces their feeling of being entitled to as much water as they can pay for. (“Soak the rich to help solve California’s water crisis,” editorial, Nov. 6)

It will make the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power richer, which it can’t seriously claim to be too unhappy about (the DWP is the one threatening rate increases because of lost income from diligent residents exceeding the requested 25% cut in water use five months running, remember?), but no amount of money will replace water once it’s gone for good.

As for California being hard-pressed to find a fair, logical way to conserve water while making it available to all residents, can you say “rationing,” boys and girls? How about a system of rolling “dry-outs” similar to rolling blackouts that occur when electricity is scarce?


Kevin Dawson, Los Angeles

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