
Readers React: Donald Trump’s prospects don’t look good in the states that matter

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To the editor: Never mind the national polls — Donald Trump’s fading numbers among Republican voters in early-primary states foretell his inevitable exit from the campaign. (“Polls may actually underestimate Trump’s support, study finds,” Dec. 21)

Above all, he’s averse to being labeled a “loser.” Plus, with his billions and enduring fame, why take on the nation’s most challenging and stressful job? For the moment he’s having fun, running his mouth and basking in the media’s glow, beholden to no one since he spends his own money.

By March, after Super Tuesday’s primary results are in, look for Trump to exit the campaign with a spectacular media flourish. Then he can finish what he’s intended all along: Determine who will be the next president.


That he may well do by imploring his millions of backers to vote for whichever extant candidate has most impressed (or least irked) him. It’s as if the other GOP candidates are his apprentices.

Gene Martinez, Orcutt, Calif.


To the editor: Voters might be embarrassed to admit in phone interviews that they support Trump. What a sad commentary that the “establishments” of both parties, as well as media, have done such a number on Trump for lending his voice to shine a light on what needs to be addressed both when it comes to the politics and security of our country.


I am a lifelong Democrat (and no, I’m not just saying that). I certainly am not a bigot or a racist, and I’m proud to say I support Trump.

I’m supporting Trump in spite of the hatchet job The Times and other media outlets have done on him, and I encourage others who feel as I do to speak out. We have nothing to be embarrassed about.

Jeanne Tutich, Westlake Village


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