
Readers React: Trump thinks fires in California cost too much money. What about hurricanes in red states?

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To the editor: Once again, President Trump shows his obvious prejudice and desire to punish anyone who does not support him by threatening to cut federal funds related to fire damage in California over what he believes to be the state’s poor management of forests.

What about the costs of the floods in “his” states? What about the cost of hurricanes and tornadoes in “his” states?

Better yet, how about putting the blame for California’s wilting forests where it really belongs — climate change? Republicans for years have refused to do anything to reduce climate change because of the costs — and, what do you know, the cost of doing nothing is even higher.


Rita Skinner, Riverside


To the editor: Trump has a love fest with a North Korean despot, accepts the denials of campaign meddling from the Russian autocrat, and parrots probable lies from the Saudi crown prince.

So when he is constantly confronted with the contrast between his own haphazard regime and the strength and vision of Gov. Jerry Brown’s leadership in California, he targets the Golden State with his petty, mean-spirited actions such as suggesting he will withhold funds from the state.


His threats are those of a jealous, grade-school bully.

Larry Lasseter, Brea

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