
Opinion: Jobs, not frivolous class-action lawsuits

Rep. Bob Goodlatte, Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has been cranking out bills aimed at making it harder for consumers to sue businesses.
(AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: My organization agrees with Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and author of the Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act: “Frivolous lawsuits have no place in our legal system, and the true victims of frivolous lawsuits are often small businesses and individuals who cannot afford to fight these claims.” (“GOP marks National Consumer Protection Week by voting to ‘obliterate’ class-action lawsuits,” March 9)

Why doesn’t columnist David Lazarus talk to former California employers who have now moved to Texas, Utah or Nevada because they’ve been victimized by baseless class-action lawsuits? Should a business that fails to include a beginning date and ending date on a check stub really be sued in a class-action lawsuit, costing them huge amounts of money for a simple, fixable mistake?

Many class-action lawsuits are driven by lawyers who go trolling for opportunities. California needs more jobs, not more lawsuits.


Maryann Marino, Los Angeles

The writer is regional director at California Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse.

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