
Readers React: Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s disappointing stance on logging and wildfires

Crews battle the Camp fire in Northern California on Nov. 19.
Crews battle the Camp fire in Northern California on Nov. 19.
(U.S. Forest Service / EPA-EFE/REX)
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To the editor: If the fires of the last year have taught us anything, it is that you can’t fight wind- and weather-driven fires, and that forests (including dead trees) are not the issue. (“California needs to address its water and wildfire challenges now,” Opinion, Dec. 14)

To have such a powerful blue wave wash over California in November only to see Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) take up the mantle of the Republicans and the Trump administration — who constantly and erroneously chant that logging, which we have been doing for more than a century, will now save us from wildfires and climate change — is disheartening.

Feinstein is wrong on the science. Let’s hope our new governor and the progressives in Congress see through the smoke and do not follow her lead.


Rachel Fazio, Big Bear City


To the editor: Research shows that Feinstein is incorrect in her assumptions regarding logging and wildfires. According to forest scientists, the areas where the most logging has occurred nearby — such as the forests near Paradise, Calif. — are the areas most susceptible to catastrophic wildfires.

It’s time to stop the devastating logging of our national forests and start putting money toward protecting communities through providing 100 feet of defensible space around properties and helping residents fireproof their homes.


Connie Hanson, South Pasadena

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