
Opinion: ‘Clean up’ films, or clean up filming?


To the editor: What about simply not watching films that one already knows have offending scenes and words in them?

( “Cleaned-up films draw Hollywood’s ire,” Business, Sept. 15 and “Condom measure has 55% support,” Sept. 15)

That surely would send more of a message (if one feels that it is necessary) than paying someone to first buy, and then somehow censor, and then send you, a questionable film for your viewing.


Doug Stokes, Duarte


To the editor: I hope that VidAngel does well. It is long overdue for something to be done about Hollywood’s debasement of the beautiful English language.

And, yes, many people do not need to be hit over head with how to have sex. We all know about sex — we learn about it in school. How about leaving something to the imagination?

Rita Burton, Pacific Palisades


To the editor: Instead of an initiative to require performers in adult films to use condoms during sex scenes, how about an initiative that proposes prohibition of filming such sex scenes for public viewing ever?

Barbara Hill, Anaheim


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