
Readers React: Better for Georgia’s economy to suffer than women to die from illegal abortions

An abortion rights activist protests Georgia's new abortion law outside the Capitol in Atlanta on Thursday.
(John Amis / AFP/Getty Images)
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To the editor: Now that the “masters” in Georgia and Alabama have voted to enslave the bodies of women, how do we change their thinking? History provides an answer: Boycotts work. (“Female film workers in Georgia urge Hollywood not to boycott over abortion ban,” May 13)

Women, don’t buy Georgia peaches, Vidalia onions or Coca-Cola products, and don’t produce films in Georgia. Yes, working people will be hurt in the short run, but it’s better than the death of women from illegal abortions.

Women who work in the film industry in Georgia: Get out of there. You’ll find better work elsewhere until the “master” takes his hands off our bodies.


Cheryl Younger, Los Angeles


To the editor: Although I am in principle against abortion, I feel that Roe vs. Wade must stand.

There will always be circumstances where an abortion is the “only” option. I would say that any man who has daughters privately supports this decision; this is why I think Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh would side with his liberal colleagues in letting Roe vs. Wade remain law.

On the other hand, I feel that the pro-choice folks have it wrong when they say a “woman has the right to choose.” Since most abortion cases are not about rape, incest or danger to the mother, better choices could be made that would make a decision on abortion unnecessary.


Mark Walker, Yorba Linda


To the editor: As a script supervisor in Los Angeles, I completely understand the distress the women film workers in Georgia are experiencing from the risk of film and television production leaving town over a boycott caused by their state’s new draconian and cruel anti-reproductive rights law, which makes no exceptions for the victims of rape or incest.

It’s the exact same distress the women and men of Hollywood have been experiencing ever since our work began fleeing to Georgia.


Dianne Weiss, Los Angeles

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