
Readers React: The myth of the honorable anti-Trump Republicans who will rescue America

President Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Evansville, Ind., on Aug. 30.
(Michael B. Thomas / Getty Images)
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To the editor: There’s an old saying about baloney: You can slice it, dice it, saute it, boil it or broil it, but it’s still baloney. That’s my take on James Kirchick’s piece on the Republican party “in exile.”

Republicans are not in exile. Their leaders and rank and file support President Trump.

Kirchick’s remark that the “#Resistance” labors under the delusion that “we are living under a 20th century style despotism” is also ludicrous. Trump’s attacks on racial minorities, his dog whistles and policies against immigrants and refugees, and his relentless attacks on the press are more than an echo of past dictators.

With Trump, make no mistake about it, we are careening toward fascism.

Kirchick rightfully invokes the late Sen. John McCain’s personal sacrifice and courage. But Republicans like him are few. Most cower in fear that Trump will destroy them if they speak out. Their docility and cowardice harms us all.


Mark Day, Vista, Calif.


To the editor: I loved Kirchick’s essay, but can we please stop referring to that man in the White House as a “reality television star?”

He was a game show host, pure and simple. And star? Oh, please.

Darlene Olympius, Yorba Linda


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