
Opinion: Faith communities of all kinds are burning over the immigration crackdown

Pastor Noe Carias with wife Victoria Carias and their two children at their church.
Pastor Noe Carias with wife Victoria Carias and their two children at their church.
(Joshua Rincon / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: The article says “Latinos in L.A. protest the detention of Noe Carias, who entered U.S. illegally as a teen.” In fact, there were also non-Latino Christians and Jews like myself who came on short notice to demonstrate solidarity.

(Re “Pastor’s arrest by ICE stokes fears, “ July 25)

The fear may be sharpest in the Latino community, but outrage burns in faith communities of every nationality at families being torn apart for no substantive reason.


Robyn Samuels, Tarzana


To the editor: Another in what is almost a daily barrage of “cry me a river” stories of an illegal alien being detained for deportation.


The Times shares in the responsibility of creating a pretense that breaking our immigration laws is acceptable. The subject’s wife said he’s never done anything wrong, ignoring that he’s broken at least three laws by entering the country illegally, twice, and ignoring a deportation order. She also claims he’s a good “citizen.” Good citizens obey our laws.

How about some stories about those who have been harmed by illegal aliens?

Don Rosenberg, Westlake Village

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