
Readers React: Now that teachers have won, it’s time to deliver for the children

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To the editor: Congratulations to L.A. teachers and their union for winning on behalf of students and securing a commitment by the Los Angeles Unified School District to smaller class sizes. Now it’s time for teachers to deliver on their assurance that the strike was mostly about serving children.

Since the UTLA contract comes up for renewal again in 2022, why not base initial negotiations on improvement of the students’ grade level reading and math proficiency? With the current attrition rates to charter schools helping reduce class sizes, this should be a slam dunk since teachers will be able to devote more time to each student.

It’s time to prove to mom and dad that this strike was not only about securing a 6% pay raise.


Vic Miranda, Agoura Hills


To the editor: If California were a nation, we would rank among the wealthiest. Despite our wealth, the state keeps its schools underfunded.

Teachers demonstrated tremendous leadership and sacrifice, marching in the rain to draw our attention to California’s persistent education underfunding.


Students need Gov. Gavin Newsom to determine funding strategies — such as a statewide parcel tax, closing Proposition 13 loopholes for corporations or utilizing our state “found money” account — to ensure California takes big and measurable steps in per-student funding gains.

We need the governor to establish benchmarks. For example, by the 2020 budgeting cycle, California should rank among the top 20 states in per-pupil funding; by 2021, in the top 15; by 2022, in the top 10; by 2023, in the top 5; and by 2024, California takes a serious run at being No. 1.

Imagine our classrooms with many resources and a true opportunity for all students to be successful.


Justo Avila, Diamond Bar


To the editor: As a 70-something who attended mid-quality public schools in St. Louis County, Mo., I find the whole notion of teacher strikes abhorrent.

Way back then, teachers were dedicated professionals. In conduct and appearance, they set a standard for students to emulate.

Recurrent images of teachers’ rah-rah, fist-in-the-air jubilation, and their distinctly casual attire, do not set any standards or bespeak professionalism.

Given the academic performance of L.A. Unified students, I would suggest that the teachers could garner a lot more sympathy for their cause, and for public schools in general, by upgrading their image and behavior to a more professional level.

Ronald Masson, Topanga


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