
Opinion: The electoral college should not ignore Trump’s disqualifying conflicts of interest

President-elect Donald Trump arrives at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J., on Nov. 19, 2016.
President-elect Donald Trump arrives at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J., on Nov. 19, 2016.
(Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Do we need any more proof of how seriously unqualified Donald Trump is to become president? Your article identifies a litany of potential abuses by Trump and family members, not just in the U.S. but around the world. (“How Trump could use the presidency to help his own business interests,” Nov. 23)

While technically not illegal, Trump’s refusal to eliminate these conflicts signals that his priorities remain what we have known all along — his brand (“certainly hotter than it was before,” he told the New York Times) and himself.

It is now well past time for those hundreds of Republicans who expressed serious reservations about this man’s qualifications to be president to lobby Republican electors to do the right thing and cast their votes for Hillary Clinton on Dec. 19. Whatever trash might be heaped on Clinton by Trump’s supporters, one charge that will not stick is that she lacks the qualifications to be president.


Handing Trump the presidency will be the biggest political blunder since Paul von Hindenburg handed Hitler the German chancellorship.

Claude Goldenberg, Seal Beach


To the editor: Obviously it was a very slow news day if speculative articles are passed off as news warranting front- page placement.


Oh, wait, it’s the L.A. Times, so we can count on a good laugh. And if there are not real facts to skew, there is speculation and guess work abounding, with a predictably silly headline to make us laugh at this paper that once was, a long time ago, a real source of news in our communities.

If The Times could possibly revert to the old-fashioned idea of reporting real news, maybe I could respect and read this paper again. In the meantime, thanks again for the morning chuckle.

Niki Good, Newport Beach


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