
Letters to the Editor: Impeachment shows Democrats are now the ‘country first’ party

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leaves a meeting with the Democratic caucus before announcing a formal impeachment inquiry of President Trump on Sept. 24.
(Mark Wilson / Getty Images)
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To the editor: The old left-wing saw about liberals working for the greater good and conservatives being driven by fear and selfishness is a broad-brush assessment of a much more complicated definition. But Scott Jennings unintentionally reinforces that adage at the end of his op-ed article warning of the perils of impeachment.

He asks if any of the politicians involved in driving this process “spend any time worrying about me,” like lowering my taxes, improving my roads and protecting my neighborhood from crime.

Unfortunately, he misses the biggest worry of all — our country being driven off a cliff by an individual utterly ignorant of the fundamentals of government, the role of a president and the rule of law.

“Worrying about me”? You’re darned right my Democratic representatives are worrying about me. Their efforts are very much appreciated.


R.C. Price, San Clemente


To the editor: Jennings’ piece is a good one that points out the difficulty of forecasting what will be left standing after the current political hurricane blows through.

We all know President Trump was not elected on the basis of his ethics. So as long as Trump stays out of jail, he’s good with his base.


And I think the Senate Republicans would be scared to death at the prospect of having to find another candidate to run for president in 2020, so they’ll be voting for their own lives when they have to take up impeachment.

This storm may also knock down former Vice President Joe Biden, who is not exactly built of concrete. We will be sure to hear more than we wanted to know about his son, Hunter Biden.

Ken Hense, Los Angeles



To the editor: Once again, there’s another opinion piece by a Republican noting that the Senate will never vote to remove Trump from office.

If Trump continues to show poor numbers in the polls, there should be a growing number of astute Republican senators willing to make Mike Pence the new president. Then he or some other stable Republican could be the party’s nominee in 2020.

Jordan Austin, Port Hueneme
