
Letters to the Editor: California needs Kamala Harris. She was right to quit her campaign

Kamala Harris during the Democratic debate
Sen. Kamala Harris speaks during the Democratic presidential primary debate in Atlanta on Nov. 20.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: Sen. Kamala Harris ran a poor campaign. The California Democrat’s attack on former Vice President Joe Biden during the presidential debate in June was a cheap shot.

I live in California. I never heard anything from her about her accomplishments as senator that prepared her to be president. I don’t recall much from her about what she learned being a political leader in such a diverse, complex state.

Let’s hope she serves out her term in the Senate and represents California well. We have plenty of issues with which to deal, including fire readiness, a stable utility grid and efforts to unwind the roadless rule for national forests.


Perhaps some seasoning in retail politics and serving her state will prepare Harris for a run in the future.

Laura Curran, Corona del Mar


To the editor: It’s about time that Harris got back to what she was elected to do. She won her seat in 2016, but one wonders how many days she actually spent conducting business as the junior senator from California.


Harris is just another example of a politician trying to put her career above the needs of her constituents.

It’s OK to think big and have high aspirations, but serving at least one full term in Washington would have been better than trying to jump ship so quickly.

Richard Whorton, Studio City



To the editor: We currently have a president who had zero political experience before entering the White House. Granted, he is destroying the entire nation piece by piece; nonetheless he got elected.

We also have a front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination whose only political experience is being a mediocre mayor of a medium-sized city in Indiana, the state that elected Mike Pence as its governor before he became vice president.

I am a white man, and I can spot the double standard from a mile away. To suggest that Harris is somehow not ready for the job or lacks experience reeks of sexism.

Jeremy Schug, New York


To the editor: Candidates run on their records, and those records are easily accessible to everyone. This explains why Harris’ presidential campaign failed.

Her tenure as California’s attorney general was an abomination, and the effects still resonate in the black and brown communities.


Her campaign failed not because she is a woman or that she is a person of color; it failed because of what she did when she had power.

Tracy Nadeau, Los Angeles
