
Letters to the Editor: War is really good for business, and that’s a huge problem

Afghan security forces gather at the site of an attack
Afghan security forces gather April 9, 2019, at the site of an attack near Kabul that killed three U.S. service members the day before.
(Rahmat Gul / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Andrew J. Bacevich is precisely correct: America is involved in endless wars, because that is exactly what the American military establishment wants.

This embroilment in foreign lands demands people, money, paychecks, careers, pensions, arms makers and the whole quagmire that goes with foreign occupation. It’s a never-ending source of revenue from the federal coffers that feeds the professions of millions and millions of Americans, both civilians and military people.

Defense is important, but it has become, it seems, a fourth leg of our federal government — it is vastly outsized. We need to come up with more reasonable defense plans.


Chet Chebegia, San Marcos


To the editor: In Bacevich’s essay, I read the mention of Secretary of Defense Mark Esper alongside “a new rationale for U.S. military actions in the Middle East.” As I read further, I noticed that the new rationale is called “mowing the lawn.”

Esper made clear this means “giving your adversary a good kick in the shins.”

I became so disheartened and thought, “Not another immature adult in high office.” I could read no further.


Mary Leah Plante, Los Angeles


To the editor: Simply put, war is good business for our vast military-industrial complex, which has a monstrous influence on our elected officials.

When a single aircraft can cost more than $1 billion, the companies that make them are highly motivated to keep selling them to their captive customer, the United States government.


Tim Jones, La Crescenta
