
Letters to the Editor: Trump’s updates are ridiculous, but they make you wonder: Where is Joe Biden?

Joe Biden
Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks about the coronavirus on March 12 in Wilmington, Del.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: Former Vice President Joe Biden, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has become irrelevant in today’s battle against the coronavirus.

President Trump has a daily soap box on which everyone can watch him make his televised updates. Although they are filled with lies and wishful thinking, many of us watch him and wonder, where is Biden? He should be countering Trump forcefully, but he is not.

Having a makeshift studio in his home from which he can occasionally appear on television is a wonderful idea, but unless we see announcements and coverage of his presentations, it is all meaningless.


Meanwhile, Trump is looking presidential.

Don Evans, Canoga Park


To the editor: Poor Joe Biden! He complains that he no longer wields the power of a senator, cannot catch a break from media and is losing campaign contributions.

It’s time for him to wake up and realize there’s still this other candidate who is a sitting U.S. senator, whose issues are healthcare reform and Wall Street, but has too much integrity to politicize our national tragedy.


Instead, Sen. Bernie Sanders is urging his supporters to send their campaign donations to the appropriate charities that can help in the battle against the coronavirus.

Jim McAuley, Los Angeles


To the editor: If Biden wants to become relevant again, he only needs one person on his team — Michelle Obama for vice president.


Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, Joe. The solution has been staring you in the face: Biden-Obama 2020.

Dana Wall, Manhattan Beach
