
Letters to the Editor: Sedona wasn’t a secret hideaway before the L.A. Times wrote about it

Sandstone formations surround the town of Sedona, Ariz.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: Seriously? One letter writer from Sedona, Ariz., thinks her town is a secret that the wealthy hordes will now descend upon because of an article in the L.A. Times? I know I’ve been visiting Sedona since the 1980s and clearly remember when my friend Lisa Dahl, who was featured prominently in the article, decided to move there to open her first restaurant in the 1990s.

Yes, the very wealthy live entitled lives, but no one is running to Sedona to hide from the virus in any greater number than they’re running to my resort town of Palm Springs or any of the other small resort towns where the rich own vacation properties. The whole idea seems to be to try and get out of large, congested cities.

Just recently, a friend mentioned that her son and his girlfriend were fleeing the East Coast to hole up in her vacation home here in Palm Springs.


Oops, I may have outed Palm Springs.

Barb Kaplan, Palm Springs
