
Letters to the Editor: A dishonest president promises a vaccine in months. Why believe him?

Trump vaccine effort
President Trump speaks about the federal government’s effort to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus on May 15.
(Alex Brandon / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Memo to President Trump: One woman can make a baby in nine months, but nine women cannot make a baby in one month. (“Trump sets ambitious deadline for coronavirus vaccine,” May 15)

Some things, like fetal development or developing a vaccine and testing it for safety and efficacy, just take time.

The president should have learned by now (recall promises about testing sites in parking lots, anyone who wants a test can get a test, and COVID-19 melting away in April) not to promise things he cannot deliver. It makes him look bad.


Daniel Fink, Beverly Hills


To the editor: The photo with this story in the paper of a smiling Trump just inches away from a masked Girl Scout, while a killer virus ravages our country, speaks volumes about his character and leadership.

Leadership is not making self-serving statements like, “I just want to make one thing clear, it’s very important: Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back.” Trump is prepared to sacrifice lives by blindly opening our economy. His plan is to falsely promise the discovery of a vaccine within a year.


“We’re back” couldn’t be further from the truth. Trump’s words are hollow, his behavior irrational and his empathy lacking. There will be no finest hour in history for this man, only the sad legacy of a failed democracy from electing him president.

Giacomo Bucci, Encinitas


To the editor: This photo of the president of the United States, in the middle of a pandemic, standing next to a Girl Scout at a White House event, is horrifying.


Since she is evidently a very intelligent person, she is wearing a mask. The president is not wearing a mask. I guess he doesn’t know that just breathing on her in this close proximity can contaminate her hair and clothing.

Someone needs to remind him than the virus is alive and well in the White House.

Karla H. Edwards, Santa Clarita


To the editor: Federal government vaccine expert turned whistleblower Rick Bright said first there is no plan in place for mass production and distribution of a vaccine.

The next day the president announced such a plan, taking full credit for the idea. He called Bright a disgruntled employee.

Kudos to Bright and shame on the president.

David Stark, Rancho Palos Verdes
