
Letters to the Editor: ‘Trumpism’ is cruelty and incompetence. Why would it have a future in the GOP?

President Trump outside the White House
President Trump walks from the White House to board Marine One on Aug. 6.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: The front-page article in the Aug. 5 print edition of the L.A. Times regarding the future of Trumpism makes no attempt to define Trumpism other than by brief references to anti-immigration policy and lowering federal deficits.

If you want to know what Trumpism is and what it has brought us, you need to read, in the same issue, the articles by columnist Michael Hiltzik (“As COVID-19 pandemic tightens grip on U.S., Trump ratchets up the cruelty”), political scientist Samuel J. Abrams (“COVID-19 has been such a disaster even red state residents aren’t happy with Republicans”) and psychology professor Dan P. McAdams (“The truth behind Trump’s need to lie”).

Can someone explain what the Republican Party or the American people could possibly see in Trumpism that is positive or stands any chance of making America “great” again? No matter how I turn my kaleidoscope, I cannot make that design come into view.


June Ailin Sewell, Marina del Rey


To the editor: The real failing is in both our parties’ national leadership.

In 2016 they gave us the ugly choice between voting for Vampira or Archie Bunker. Don’t blame those 80,000 voters in about a dozen key counties who figured out that Archie Bunker was the better of a bad choice.

But wait, it gets worse: This year we get to choose between Archie Bunker and Elmer Fudd. Frankly, I am ready for Elmer Fudd, since I have had quite enough of the drama, chaos and unhinged behavior coming from the White House.


Yes, our regulations will skyrocket, and taxes will go up and strangle the economy under the Democratic Party, but maybe that will pave the way for the return of a rebuilt Republican Party.

Harry Pope, Long Beach


To the editor: Wednesday’s article regarding the influence of Trump on the GOP highlights one possible direction by the Republican Party as it moves forward.


However, another element worth mentioning is found in the grass-roots organizations such as the Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump. Their strength in numbers cannot be underestimated.

Brent Wood, Fullerton
