
Letters to the Editor: We’re in the stormtrooper phase of Trump’s presidency

Supporters of President Trump caravan through Portland, Ore., on Aug. 29.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: It seems we have now entered the stormtrooper phase of the Trump presidency. What else are we to make of gangs arriving in caravans of vehicles bedecked with Trump flags, intent on confronting people who are protesting the lack of justice for Black Americans? (“Trump and allies seek to turn violence at protests to his advantage,” Aug. 30)

Could we be more alarmed? Yes. Our basic government institutions have been corrupted.

From police who get away with murder to a major political party of self-styled “disrupters” who openly despise our government, from federal agencies headed by appointees who oppose the very missions of their agencies to the hundreds of newly appointed conservative federal judges who will not hold these abusers accountable, the amount of work required to undo the harm to our democracy caused by the Trump presidency is staggering.

And, it cannot start soon enough.

Marcia Goldstein, Laguna Woods



To the editor: President Trump has put all of his reelection eggs in the “law and order” basket. What if progressives outsmarted him (it’s not hard to do) and declared a moratorium on protesting until Nov. 3?

As NBA players have shown, voices can be heard through the media, through voter mobilization and through economic action. He will have no issue, and his agents and cult followers will have nothing to attack.

Refuse to participate in Trump’s false and dangerous narrative by finding alternative ways to bend the arc of justice. Help elect a government that can hear the voices of people, and then demand change.


Athletes have shown us how to be unified, dignified and tactical. We need them and other social and political leaders to advocate a social justice moratorium.

Steve Sewell, Brea


To the editor: After weeks of destruction and now death on the streets of Portland, the mayor has called for calm.


He could end this carnage quickly by requesting help from the federal government. Apparently, he is willing to see continued violence rather than letting Trump solve the problem that he is incapable of handling.

He is putting politics above the safety and property of his constituents. What a shame.

Ron Matejcek, Claremont


To the editor: Trump wants us to believe that if we elect Democrat Joe Biden as president, we will have rioting and lawlessness. He wants us to believe the only way to prevent it is to reelect him.

Mr. President, we have rioting and lawlessness now. You are the president now, so by your own logic, the American people should vote you out because you are not solving the problem.

For people who are not excited by Biden, I say that we’ve had enough excitement since 2017. What this country needs now is less excitement and more calm and collaboration.

Kathi Weiner, Irvine



To the editor: The man in the White House touts law and order, then flouts it by giving his nomination acceptance speech on the White House lawn. His speech fueled divisiveness in this nation.

The president could have taken inspiration from Jacob Blake’s mother, who has pleaded for healing. Instead, the president uses his platform to foment hatred.

Americans need a leader who exhibits compassion and empathy, not one who feels no pain.

Barbara Hubbs, Long Beach
