
Letters to the Editor: President Trump is sick, whether he likes it or not

President Trump, stricken with COVID-19, removes his mask after arriving at the White House
President Trump, stricken with COVID-19, removes his mask after arriving at the White House by helicopter on Oct. 5 following his hospitalization.
(AFP / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Donald Trump campaign spokeswoman Erin Perrine told Fox News that the president now has firsthand experience “fighting the coronavirus as an individual,” which somehow makes him more qualified for president than Democrat Joe Biden. (“Even sick with COVID-19, Trump refuses to change tune on pandemic,” Oct. 5)

Like Trump, I was given a steroid (possibly dexamethasone) during treatment for a deadly disease (cancer). I have a bulletin for him and anyone else who thinks they are the warriors: Your body is the battleground. All you can do is stand by while the real armies fight the battle — your immune system, which you don’t control, and the medical staff that treats you.

I have never taken credit for “defeating” cancer, nor would I do that if I had COVID-19. My body was a battleground in the ongoing war against cancer. Trump’s body is one of many millions of battlefields in the ongoing war against COVID-19.


My body still bears battle scars. Trump’s probably will too. But neither he nor I vanquished the enemy.

Diane Scholfield, Vista


To the editor: Trump tweeted that he has “learned a lot about COVID” and “I get it. I understand it.”

Obviously he doesn’t. He doesn’t seem to realize that no one else with COVID-19 was flown by helicopter to one of the most prestigious hospitals in the country, surrounded by top doctors and given medicines not available to most if not all patients.


Many of the the people who succumbed to COVID-19 died alone, with no family members with them. All their loved ones could do was wait outside to be informed of their deaths.

There were no photo ops for them — just grief.

Vicki Justis, Santa Monica


To the editor: Well, I was wondering when he was finally going to get around to it.

Trump managed to insult every single of the 210,000 people who have died of COVID-19 in the United States, their families and those who are suffering now, with his tweet, “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.”


Absolutely obscene.

Katrin Wiese, Rialto


To the editor: “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life” — what a supremely let-them-eat-cake enjoinder!

Even Marie Antoinette, whose medical staff and remedial concoctions were little more effective than what was available to her peasant constituents, could not have topped Trump’s flippant counsel.

Christine Hagel, Orcutt


To the editor: The White House may be the most dangerous workplace in North America.

Trump is not so much reckless as he has no regard for any life aside from his own. His upbeat message upon leaving the hospital is that we should not be afraid of COVID-19.

This should be reassuring to his followers working in manure factories in Texas and Oklahoma. If they get infected, they’ll just check in to their local Walter Reed military hospital and let a team of dozens of doctors attend to their care, all at the taxpayers’ expense.


Who needs socialized medicine anyway?

Michael Krubiner, Valley Village
