
Letters to the Editor: Trump stoked paranoia on guns, and Biden doesn’t. That’s important

President Biden announces executive action on gun control at the White House on April 8.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: When it comes to gun violence in America, can we start by agreeing there is a problem? Can we agree it is complicated, that there is room for debate as to causes and solutions, and that no one action will solve the problem? Can we agree that positive steps are being taken in some states and that real change will take time? (“Biden’s moves to curb gun violence should be just the start,” editorial, April 8)

Hopefully, a future generation will be looking in the rearview mirror when it comes to the culture we have created and accepted.

In the meantime, there is new hope as we have moved from a president whose refrain was “they’re trying to take your guns” to a president who is taking this public health crisis seriously, using words like “embarrassing” and “epidemic” to describe it.


It is our responsibility to keep the pressure up and the attention on this issue by electing more members of Congress who will take this embarrassing epidemic seriously.

John Saville, Corona


To the editor: A colleague posed this question to me:

Since voting is a constitutional right and the Democrats are pushing to allow voting without identification, then applying the same logic to firearm ownership, which too is a constitutional right, should people be able to purchase a gun without any identification?


Robert E. Clark, Los Angeles


To the editor: I hope that all the legislators who talk about the sanctity of life and oppose a woman’s freedom to control her own body would take that same concern for the sanctity of life and support sensible gun control.

To do otherwise is pure hypocrisy.

Arlie Grant, Arroyo Grande
