
Letters to the Editor: There is no ‘recall fever’ in California. Right-wing extremists are just desperate

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva signs a petition to recall Dist. Atty. George Gascón in downtown L.A. on May 26.
Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva signs a petition to recall Dist. Atty. George Gascón in downtown L.A. on May 26.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: I have a problem with the headline “Recall fever strikes California as angry voters take on politicians in large numbers.” It implies that California is being swept by a huge grass-roots wave of “recall fever.”

That is not the case. Most Californians want this silliness to stop before the state has to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars to deal with phony recall campaigns propagated in supermarket parking lots by a small number of QAnon adherents, anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers who are being funded in part by out-of-state right-wing operatives.

These people are trying to shift the blame from the Trump regime’s pitiful abdication of any meaningful effort to respond to the COVID pandemic and dump the resulting mess on local school boards and our governor.


Frank Smathers, Santa Clarita


To the editor: They say misery loves company, but I say it’s miserable people who are petitioning to recall Linda Parks, the Ventura County supervisor who is so popular with her constituents, she has run unopposed in her last two elections. Parks terms out next year, woe to us.

I do feel sorry for the revolting people, though; they’re sad and mad that COVID-19 took away their favorite donut shop, and the only thing they can think to do is sit under an easy-up in the DMV parking lot besieging passersby to sign their wasteful and unnecessary petitions.


Just allow Parks to finish the job the voters elected her to do.

Sally Hibbitts, Westlake Village


To the editor: Disgruntled Trump Republicans are trying to force a recall so that a few hundred thousand extremists can overturn the will of the 1.65 million L.A. County voters who chose George Gascón to be district attorney on election day.

Ask many of those supporting the recall a few questions, and you find that in addition to making false claims about Gascón causing murders and homelessness that occurred when his opponent was district attorney, they’re the same people pushing right-wing election conspiracies.


This isn’t recall fever but, rather, a rejection of the legitimacy of elections by Republicans. The worst part is that we taxpayers have to fund these recall votes. If we let the losers get away with this, they’ll keep trying this every time their candidate loses.

Greg Davidson, Redondo Beach
