
Letters to the Editor: If counties want to send COVID patients to L.A., they need to boost vaccination

A group of masked people standing in line
People wait in line in the San Joaquin Valley town of Delano, Calif., for COVID-19 vaccine doses on Nov. 17, 2021.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: We are sympathetic to the plight of the hospital workers in Fresno and other parts of Central California with the huge surge of COVID-19 patients in their hospitals. (“With hospitals full, Central California pleading to send COVID-19 patients to L.A.,” Nov. 23)

But it is very hard to be sympathetic to the vast majority of those hospitalized folks who refuse to be vaccinated.

We’ll never get rid of this awful scourge unless more people get jabs. Many of us hold these same people responsible for all of our restrictions.


Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to mimic our national divide on politics.

Kris Sullivan, Los Angeles


To the editor: I read with some sympathy that Central Valley doctors are pleading to send COVID-19 patients to Los Angeles County hospitals because theirs are overflowing.

Perhaps it would be better for Central Valley counties to more effectively promote vaccines to their residents. With a low enough percentage of people being vaccinated, a high caseload is inevitable.


Enough political posturing about “freedom.” Get your constituents vaccinated with massive outreach, and stop looking for a bailout from other counties.

Paul Moser III, Palm Desert
