
Trump to issue executive order aimed at speeding up pipelines

President Trump speaks to members of the media before his departure from the White House on Wednesday.
(Alex Wong / Getty Images)
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President Trump will announce an executive order during a trip to Texas on Wednesday that could make it harder for states to scuttle pipelines and other energy projects based on concerns about their impact on water quality.

Trump has made it a priority to expand energy development in the United States, in part by rolling back government regulations.

Pointing to Washington state and New York, Republican lawmakers have complained about states using the permitting process to stop energy projects. A senior administration official told reporters there are problems with the way some states are interpreting Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Under that section, companies must obtain certification from the state before moving ahead with an energy project.


Washington state blocked the building of a coal terminal. New York regulators stopped a natural gas pipeline when they determined it failed to meet standards to protect streams, wetlands and other water resources.

Trump’s executive order calls for the Environmental Protection Agency to consult with states, tribes and relevant agencies and issue updated guidance for the states to follow to comply with the intent of the landmark act.

The order will also call on the Transportation Department to propose a rule that would allow liquefied natural gas to be shipped in approved rail tank cars.


The second executive order Trump will announce Wednesday streamlines the process for energy infrastructure that crosses international borders.

Currently, the secretary of State has the authority to issue permits for cross-border infrastructure such as pipelines. The executive order clarifies that the president will make the decision on whether to issue such permits.

The move follows Trump’s decision last month to issue a new presidential permit for the long-stalled Keystone XL oil pipeline — two years after he first approved it and more than a decade after it was first proposed.


Trump is signing the orders in between campaign fundraisers in San Antonio and Houston.

Trump is heading to Texas to raise re-election money in two counties that backed his Democratic opponent in 2016.

Republican Party Chair Ronna McDaniel said the pair of fundraisers would bring in at least $6 million to be shared by Trump’s re-election effort and the Republican National Committee.
