
Katapodis is new H.B. mayor; Sullivan is mayor pro tem

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Newly appointed Huntington Beach Mayor Jim Katapodis wants more police officers, a citywide traffic study and more businesses in the city during his upcoming year in the top seat.

His family, some of his former colleagues in the Los Angeles Police Department and local residents congratulated Katapodis, who is heading into his fourth year on the City Council, after his council peers chose him for the mayor’s spot during a meeting Monday night.

“It’s really kind of surreal to be the mayor of Huntington Beach, because this, to me, is the greatest city in the United States,” said Katapodis, who is Surf City’s 78th mayor. “I’ve said that on my campaign and I continue to say that. This is the greatest place to live, and I just want us to keep working hard to make sure that everybody here enjoys living here.”


Katapodis, a retired LAPD sergeant, replaces Councilwoman Jill Hardy, who concluded her second term as mayor after serving previously in 2005.

Hardy said she is looking forward to continue working to improve the city with her colleagues.

“The truth is, being mayor is just a fancy title and chairing the meetings,” Hardy said. “I’m still one of seven council members who work as a team. Sometimes we agree and sometimes we don’t, but I like that the attitude of the council … is that we are one of seven and that we need to work together.”


As her parting gift as mayor, Hardy gave each council member a jigsaw puzzle depicting the city’s world record in June for most people riding a surfboard.

Councilman Dave Sullivan was appointed mayor pro tem for the coming year. It is his third time as second in command. He also has been mayor twice, in 1996 and 2006.

“This council works great together, and it’s a pleasure to be on,” Sullivan said. “One of the reasons is that we truly respect one another. The other reason is that for all of you, the city comes first.”
