
Los Angeles airport: Cellphone waiting lot shifted closer to LAX entrance

Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

Just in time for the summer travel crush -- maybe you missed this, I sure did: Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) has moved its cellphone waiting lot to a location closer and more convenient to the airport, just a quarter mile from the 96th Street Bridge entrance.

The 24/7 cellphone lot (and really, is there anyone who hasn’t used this yet?) provides a free place to park for up to two hours and await a call or text from your passenger when it’s time to pick them up. Newbies, take note: You cannot leave your car unattended when you use this lot.

The new waiting area, at West 96th Street and Vicksburg Avenue, adjacent to Parking Lot C, opened at the end of April. It has 25 spaces, with room to grow, according to an airport news release. The cellphone lot was previously at 9011 Airport Blvd.
