
From the Archives: Know Your City No. 13 — Los Angeles City Hall corridor

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This photo of Los Angeles City Hall corridor is number 13 in the 1955-56 Know Your City photography series. This image appeared in the Nov. 30, 1955, Los Angeles Times with the accompanying text:

KNOW YOUR CITY, NO. 13 — Some pretty important talk goes on behind doors facing this glistening corridor. And the farther you go, the more important the doors. That bronze plaque set in the floor is big, broad hint. Look for the answer on Page 9, Part 2.

ANSWER — This is too easy. It is south corridor on Spring St. floor of the City Hall. At the end, to the left, the Mayor's office; to the right, offices of City Councilmen. Photo was made from City Hall's rotunda”

This post was originally published on Sep. 18, 2015.

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