
Opinion: No to Calexit, yes to California staying and fighting for what’s right

Students from several high schools rally at City Hall in downtown Los Angeles on Nov. 14 after walking out of classes to protest the election of Donald Trump.
(Reed Saxon / Associated Press)
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To the editor: The Times could not have said it better about the United States needing California now more than ever. (“Listen up, Californians. You’re not really moving to Canada. This is our country too,” editorial, Nov. 11)

I say this as a 96-year-old veteran of World War II who took part in mass protests in Washington against the Vietnam War, in the 1963 March on Washington in which Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech, and in the women’s liberation demonstrations — you name it.

Yes, California, my adopted state, must show the way for the rest of the country. I am certain that New York and other states will follow our lead. Let us do whatever it takes to ensure that everyone’s health needs are taken care of, that discrimination of any kind be eliminated and that all the other actions you have urged be taken and accomplished.


Morris Ossias, Mission Viejo


To the editor: While I agree with your editorial board that California “should be unwilling to relinquish its moral, policy and political leadership” of our country in the face of a Trump administration, neither should we abandon our Calexit petitions.

Collecting signatures takes time. While we are doing that, we should make every effort to remain engaged, leading by example where we can and resisting those things that are unacceptable.


But we should also pay close attention to where our country goes. If we Californians find ourselves faced with the unconscionable, on a path that we cannot influence or modify, we will have taken the necessary initial step to extricate ourselves. Let the petitions themselves be taken as a warning: California will not take the future lying down.

Helen Maurer, Mission Viejo


To the editor: While our friends at Calexit are on the right track, they are thinking too small.

Looking at the election map, the answer is clear: California, Oregon, Washington and perhaps Nevada should unite to form a new union. This larger entity would have great clout and resources and share broad common interests and philosophies. The Pacific gateway could be controlled by the country of Pacifica.


Yes, it’s complicated, as our ties to the United States are long and strong, but no divorce is ever easy. It is increasingly obvious that the American empire is close to sinking, and we need to build an ark.

In fact, we needed to start yesterday.

Harvey Cordner, Pasadena


To the editor: Thank you so much for your editorial.

Like many liberals, I have been reeling from this election and have given thought to finding a new place to call home. However, you make some good points. It was reassuring to hear from you, and I hope that over the next few years you will continue to talk us down from the ledge (and away from the passport application lines).

Please keep helping us liberals to find our voice in this dark and crazy world.

Renee Gregory, Rancho Cucamonga

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