
Sports Story on Chapman College

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I was extremely angry and upset when I read your article on me on The Times sports page (March 25). Your paper has blown the story out of proportion, and what was to be a sports article you have turned into a very controversial article at my expense.

At no time did I tell your reporter that I was miserable at Chapman College. I have enjoyed every moment since I arrived. To say that there is racism at Chapman College is again not true. I told the reporter what Americans and Europeans on the whole think of Africa, and the words “Racism at Chapman” in your headline make me very angry and embarrassed.

There is absolutely no racism at Chapman; maybe some ignorance, but no racism! I have been treated extremely well since I arrived, and the nonsense you bring up about my being lost when I arrived is utter rubbish. The tennis team was away on a road trip, as I told your reporter, so it was only fitting that a member of Chapman’s soccer team pick me up. Students are usually told to take a cab to a college, but as you can see I was given VIP treatment.


This has been very upsetting.



Wekesa is a tennis player from Kenya attending Chapman College. We regret that the headline did not accurately reflect the content of the story.
