
Airport Advisory Groups Formed

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Times Staff Writer

The Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority has voted to form two advisory committees composed of a wide range of representatives from public agencies and homeowner groups to explore proposals to make the airport more compatible with surrounding communities.

More than 100 people are expected to serve on the committees, which will study airport noise and environmental problems.

Federal Grant

A $282,065 federal grant was awarded the airport in January to conduct the study, which is expected to take 18 months to two years, said Richard M. Vacar, Burbank Airport noise specialist. Guidelines for the study have been developed by the consulting firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. of Los Angeles.


The federal government allowed the airport authority to determine how to conduct the study. The authority, in choosing to form two committees, is seeking wider community and governmental participation, members said.

Broad Base Sought

“The attempt is to get as broad a base of representation as possible,” authority President Robert Garcin said.

The study could lead to significant planning changes, including soundproofing and condemnation of homes and schools near the airport, Vacar said.


Representatives of cities surrounding the airport, the county and congressional delegates will be appointed to a policy advisory committee expected to develop recommendations for local, state and federal action to reduce the effect of noise.

A technical advisory committee, consisting of representatives of homeowner groups, school districts, public and private aviation, business and industry, and planning agencies, also will be named.

Garcin said membership on the technical advisory committee is unlimited and may be expanded. “This is not an exclusive list,” Garcin emphasized, referring to the groups and agencies that have indicated their interest in the study. “This list can be expanded at any time,” he said.


Garcin Reelected President

The authority agreed that each group will have one vote on an advisory committee. The policy committee is expected to meet once every three months and the technical committee will meet every six weeks, airport officials said.

In other action, the commission reelected Garcin as president by a 6-2 vote over Commissioner Leland Ayers. Ayers was reelected vice president and newly appointed Commissioner Mary Lou Howard, mayor of Burbank, was named secretary.
