
The Anaheim Fire: Chemicals and Public-Health Risks

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The Times’ editorial concerning the chemical fire in Anaheim (“A Terrible Burden,” June 26) was very well-written. The misery that this incident caused was overwhelming, and it still could have been worse.

It might be added that there is a startling sidelight to the whole ugly mess. The editorial stated that “Anaheim has no such law” requiring companies to report information regarding all chemicals being used and stored, and that “residents have a right to know what potential hazards they face.”

Both statements are certainly true. However, how can the citizens of Anaheim expect such laws to be enacted in a city where Mayor Don Roth and the other four City Council members voted unanimously last February to allow a company to gather one of the most highly toxic, cancer-causing contaminants in existence from all over the state for storage in Anaheim. That chemical is polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).


With a City Council like that, possibly the citizens of Anaheim should not be surprised by chemical problems of various magnitudes in the future.


