
Anaheim : Parks, Recreation Study Awarded L.A. Consultant

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City officials have agree to pay up to $66,000 for a Los Angeles consultant to “assess community attitudes” and develop a plan to meet residents’ needs for parks, recreation and community services.

Council members last week approved a contract with The Planning Group “to look into the future” and determine “what Anaheim might look like in 10 or 20 years,” Parks Superintendent Jack Kudron said Wednesday.

The Planning Group will analyze demographic changes and help determine what facilities and programs are needed in different parts of the city, Kudron said.


Although The Planning Group gave the city the highest of six bids, officials chose the firm because its fee reflects “the detailed scope of effort outlined in their proposal,” Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Chris Jarvi wrote in a letter to the council and city manager.

“While other consultants had lower bids, their scope of work and technical approach was correspondingly lower in quantity and quality,” Jarvi wrote.

In 1978, city officials were satisfied with another plan prepared by The Planning Group for the department’s community services division, Kudron said.
