
Fairfax Billboard Blight Seen


Re:your article on planned innovations in the Fairfax District (Times, Aug. 15): It is very nice to see the combined private and public effort in improving the urban environment. One could only wish that such undertakings would happen in more places and more often.

However, looking at the pictures of the existing conditions and the planned “improvements” for the northwest corner of Fairfax Avenue and Beverly Boulevard, one cannot help but notice that the element which contributes the most to visual pollution, to the honky-tonk atmosphere, to the debasement of a neighborhood and to the destruction of architecture--the billboard--is allowed to remain.

Whatever its reasons, the non-removal of the billboard and of the several “fin signs” that grew from the building facade undermines the whole renovation effort. It would be like a doctor getting rid of pimples but letting the cancerous growth alone.


One note of irony: The billboard in the picture promotes the City of Palm Springs where billboards are banned.


Executive director

Citizens Council

on Visual Pollution
