
Capture of Ramirez

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Five residents of East Los Angeles tempered their force with intelligence in attempting to rid their neighborhood of criminal intruder. Their courage is noteworthy in contrast to the vigilantism insinuating itself into a society increasingly victimized by motiveless murderers.

In responding to the threat of a petty criminal, these five citizens mobilized their community into the efficient capture of a man subsequently identified by police as the Night Stalker.

Richard Ramirez’ captors were not aware that their prey was suspected of at least 16 brutal murders and numerous assaults. They were simply protecting their families and neighbors without anticipation of glory or reward. The fact that Ramirez was subdued, pending lawful apprehension by the police, rather than being butchered in retaliation for his offenses, bespeaks admirable restraint on the part of his captors.


Last week, the Board of Supervisors honored Jose Burgoin, Manuel De La Torres, Frank Moreno, Faustino Pinon and Carmelo Robles, in addition to the arresting officer, Andres Ramirez, with public commendations. During the ceremony, one of the honorees joked that, “If I had know who he was, I would have asked for more help!”

Unlike this unassuming hero, we can identify these men whose courage has severed the cycle of serial atrocities. A $70,000 reward has been offered to be conferred on persons who report information leading to the arrest and conviction of the Stalker. The Board of Supervisors should distribute its $30,000 portion of the reward to the five private citizens responsible for Ramirez’ capture. These good citizens have saved countless lives.





Los Angeles
