
Game 9 of Moscow Chess Match Is a Draw

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Champion Anatoly Karpov and challenger Gary Kasparov agreed Friday to a draw after 53 moves in the ninth game of their world chess championship match.

Karpov now leads the match by a score of 5 to 4. The title goes to the first player to win six games or to amass 12 1/2 points. Karpov will retain his championship in the event of a 12-12 tie after 24 games.

The draw gave each player one-half point in the ninth game. Wins count one point and losses none.


Here are the moves in the game:

Kasparov-Karpov 9: 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 o-o Be7 6 Re1 B5 7 Bb3 d6 8 c3 o-o 9 h3 Bb7 10 d4 Re8 11 Nbd2 Bf8 12 a4 h6 13 Bc2 Nb8 14 Bd3 c6 15 Nf1 Nbd7 16 Ng3 Qc7 17 Bd2 g6 18 Qc1 Kh7 19 B3 Bg7 20 Qc2 Nf8 21 Be3 Ne6 22 Rad1 Rac8 23 Bf1 Bf8 24 Rd2 Qb8 25 Qb1 Ba8 26 B4 Bb7 27 ab5 ab5 28 Red1 Qc7 29 Rc1 Bg7 30 Rcd1 Rcd8 31 de5 de5 32 Rd8 Rd8 33 Rd8 Nd8 34 c4 Bc4 35 Bc4 Ne8 36 Qa2 Nd6 37 Bb3 Nb5 38 h4 Nd4 39 Bd4 ed4 40 h5 Qe7 41 Qd2 c5 42 Qc2 cb4 43 hg6+ fg6 44 Qc4 h5 45 e5 Bf3 46 gf3 Be5 47 f4 Bf4 48 Qg8+ Kh6 49 Bc2 Qg7 50 Qd8 Bg3 51 fg3 Qe552 Qf8+ Kg5 53 Kg2 drawn
