
Commuter Lanes on Freeway and Their Effect on Safety

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In response to your article, “Drivers Praise Life in the Express Lane” (Nov. 19), I wish to express my concerns regarding the safety of this commuter lane.

I have experienced a shortened transportation time than prior to the express lane. However, I have seen several single-occupant vehicles abusing the express lane. And due to the limited exits from the express lane, I have seen numerous vehicles unsafely exiting the lane in non-designated areas, creating unsafe conditions for motorists in the second lane of the highway.

I can see several potential problems. Vehicles within the express lane have no emergency access area in case of hazardous conditions. Until drivers become accustomed to the correct express lane exits, unsafe lane changes may continue, which could cause serious accidents, creating a new need for the California Highway Patrol to regulate without an increase in manpower.


Basically, commuters who are able to car-pool deserve to have the express lane because their efforts are lessening the pollution and the traffic burden. However, with the current conditions of the express lane we may be lessening the traffic burden of the Costa Mesa Freeway through higher fatalities as a result of the express lane.


