
Santa Ana : City Honors 4 Youths Who Extinguished Fire

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Four teen-agers who extinguished a kitchen fire in an elderly neighbor’s home have been honored by the City Council for their actions.

Nathan Renich, 17, and Schultz brothers Robert, 17, Ricky, 15, and Boyd, 14, were presented with certificates of recognition by Councilman Robert Luxembourger, who commented that the four were “young men all Santa Ana can, should, and must be proud of.”

The fire broke out Oct. 21 at the home of 73-year-old Blanche Drummond, who lives in the 1300 block of South Lowell Street. The four teen-gers, who also live on Lowell, saw smoke coming from the house, entered and discovered that fire from a ruptured gas line had spread to kitchen cabinets. The youths managed to extinguish the flames by turning off the gas supply and dousing the blaze with a garden hose before firefighters arrived.
