
Culver City : Apartment Owner Fined

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A Los Angeles Municipal Court commissioner has ordered a Culver City man to pay $6,150 in fines and restitution fees for slum conditions at an apartment complex he owns.

Commissioner John Rafferty convicted Larry Nitta, 65, of six counts of violating various fire, health, building and safety codes at Nitta’s three-story building at 2709 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles. Nitta also was placed on 24 months’ probation and ordered to return to court Sept. 4 with proof he had either complied with the codes or had sold the building.

The city of Los Angeles filed the complaints against Nitta June 4 after county health inspectors and Los Angeles fire and building-safety inspectors found the code violations last March and April.


The violations included broken and missing windows, rat and roach infestation, an inoperable fire door and an inoperable fire alarm system in the 36-unit complex, which is fully occupied.
