
Week in Review : MAJOR EVENTS, IMAGES AND PEOPLE IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWS : CITIES : Fur Flies as Cat Owners Fight Proposed Limits

<i> Times staff writers Bill Billiter and Mark Landsbaum compiled the Week in Review stories. </i>

The fur was flying last week at Santa Ana City Hall, as irate cat owners fought a proposed ordinance that would limit cats to three per household.

About 100 people called city officials, threatening to try to oust them from office. Other residents plastered windshields with flyers and walked door-to-door with petitions.

The City Council will hold a public hearing Monday before a final vote on the proposed ordinance. In preparation, People for Pets, the organization that placed the advertisement, urged cat owners to call City Hall.


“I’m very upset about it,” said Patti Chavez, who keeps six cats in her home on Diamond Street. “People shouldn’t tell us how many pets we can have. And there’s no way I could decide which ones to let go. To me, they’re like my children.”

Councilman Wilson Hart, who voted for the measure, said the law isn’t aimed at people who have five or six cats, but he added that animal control officers would have to investigate if they got a complaint of a number of felines. It is aimed, he said, at people with dozens of the cats.
