
Goose in TV Spot for McDonald’s?


After reading Goose’s comments (last week), I have had enough! If Mr. Goose had any idea what Ballard Smith was trying to do, he wouldn’t be honking so loudly. Had the Goose had any brains at all, he would realize he is admired by hundreds of thousands of young people across this country and that they will imitate his behavior daily as they fantasize about playing in the major leagues. One of the main reasons kids use drugs is that people they admire use drugs. He mentions he is past “playing high school ball,” well, I know ninth-graders that handle themselves more maturely then Mr. GOOOOOSE. These kids are not always in their high chairs kicking, screaming and complaining that they don’t have their bottle. One question Mr. Goose. . . . Why is beer so important to you? Maybe you should change your nickname from “The Goose” to “Turkey”!


Rancho Bernardo
