
Roundups of Illegal Aliens by Harold Ezell’s INS


There are certain labels that some people are very quick to stick on other people. Many of these labels are nothing more than thinly camouflaged animus that must surely be intended to assault the ear of those who truly believe in brotherhood. Such a label is “illegal alien.”

This ugly tag immediately alerts the reader--or listener--to go on guard and prepare to defend himself against an encroaching, ominous force that is alien to all things held dearly. The alien lurks like an incubus in the dark crevices of our society and satiates his gluttony by devouring our social fabric! Does all this sound familiar? But--are we talking about undocumented people--or are we talking about the razor-toothed carnivores from the current box office hit, “Aliens”?

There is only small exaggeration here. The term “illegal alien” is an ugly and strident term that should be junked. The term is odious, it is pugnacious, it is separatist and, finally, it is alien to all the good things that America stands for.


If we are to be worthy of our proud heritage, the name-calling must stop and we--all of us--must treat our brothers as we would like to be treated.


