
New Officers Installed by L. A. Realtors


Gary Herman Sr. of the S. D. Herman Co. will be installed as president of the 3,000-member Los Angeles Board of Realtors during the group’s annual installation dinner Nov. 22 at the Wilshire Country Club.

Herman was president of the board in 1976 and has been active in committees on the state and local realty-organization levels as well as being a director of the National Assn. of Realtors.

Other new officers will be William Chin of ERA Kashu Realty, first vice president; Blair Pence of Pence Investments, second vice president; Gary Holme of the Beaumont Co., treasurer, and Arthur Aston Jr., executive vice president and secretary.


New directors will be Gary Herman Jr., Bill Blakeslee, Ken Kneale, Fred Taylor, Ted Slaught, Hugo Calderone, Orilee Robbins, Michael Watson, Stephanie Fitzpatrick, Katie Smith, Robert Cummings, Dolly Njiemann, Greg Pawlik, Audie Johnson, Sharon Yoho, Charles Ellis, Layne Grasshoff, John Rath, Ellen Poll and Edie Johnson as affiliate representative. Also, past presidents Catherine Flynn-Dally, James Udall Jr. and Vance Otis.
