
Fundamentalists vs. Cal State Pub

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The curious thing about the Pub vs. Christians controversy (Times, Feb. 5) at California State University, Dominguez Hills, is the expression of the total lack of belief in God by Christians. They seem to be appealing to the police power of the state to enforce their doctrines instead of praying to Jesus.

Whether a pub is good or bad is, by American law, left to the individual. No rabbi can force Dominguez Hills to serve only kosher food, no priest can force the college to not serve meat on Fast Days of Obligation, no cadi can ban food and drink during the daylight hours of the Fast of Ramadan.

Neither may any fundamentalist group of ministers force their dislike of alcohol upon non-fundamentalists by going to the Carson City Council and asking that a ban be enforced. Indeed, one wonders if the fundamentalists, by their presence, did not give grounds for a “Freedom of Religion” suit by concerned students who might want to have the City Council action put aside.


Instead of listening to the fundamentalists, the City Council should have told the fundamentalists to pray to their Higher Power for enforcement of their doctrine--that is, if there is a Higher Power that listens to them.


