
‘New Cities, Old Problems’

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I was personally disheartened to read my council colleague Ray Catalano’s commentary, “New Cities to Face Old Problems” (May 17). I like and respect Ray, and believe him to be intellectually honest in his search for solutions to various problems that he believes to be threats to our “quality of life.” Having said that, I am more than curious as to the reasoning behind a position that does little more than direct the readers’ attention away from solving the real problem.

Pointing a finger of blame at the Board of Supervisors does not facilitate improvements to our regional transportation system, nor does it facilitate the kind of multijurisdictional cooperation which is an absolute requirement to solving the transportation crisis we all face in Orange County. Instead, it raises the level of political rhetoric and animosity and thereby creates obstacles to critically needed solutions.

Through an attack on county supervisors as “the enemy,” Catalano only raises the “fog index” and undercuts the spirit needed to get on with building the regional road network and transportation facilities necessary to retain jobs, increase mobility and other freedoms heretofore not considered in the “quality of life” equation.


In the meantime, our children continue to grow up, move to adjacent counties and commute back to work on a system already at or near capacity. As responsible leaders, I hope that we will all begin to use our energies to solve such problems rather than continue to add to the rhetoric, finger-pointing and confusion, which may indeed be the true enemy.


City Councilman, Irvine
