
Karpov, Kasparov Adjourn 17th Game of Chess Match


The 17th game of the world chess championship was adjourned after 42 moves Wednesday in Seville, Spain. It is scheduled to be resumed today.

The only excitement in Wednesday’s game came from champion Gary Kasparov’s choice of the King’s Indian Defense. The King’s Indian is an aggressive but risky counterattack that Kasparov frequently used in the early 1980s. It has not been tried in a world championship match since 1966.

However, a series of exchanges after the opening gave challenger Anatoly Karpov, playing white, a minimal advantage. The adjourned position will almost certainly result in a draw.


The match remains tied at 8-8. Each player has won three games. A win yields one point, a draw half a point. Six wins or 12 1/2 points are needed for victory in the 24-game match.
