
Local News in Brief : Stabbed Man Dies on Floor of Sun Valley Bar

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A 36-year-old man who had been stabbed in the chest staggered into a Sun Valley bar early Friday morning and died on the floor as a crowd of New Year’s Eve celebrants looked on, Los Angeles police reported.

The man, whose name was not made public pending notification of his family, had been standing near the rear door of Pixie’s Bar in the 8200 block of Sunland Boulevard, Officer Jerry Sexton said. About 1:30 a.m., a male voice called from outside, asking the victim to come out of the bar, Sexton said.

The victim went out and, seconds later, stumbled back inside, bleeding from knife wounds in his chest, Sexton said.


Paramedics ministered to the man on the barroom floor, but he was pronounced dead at the scene, Sexton said. Bar patrons and employees said they did not see the assailant or know of a motive for the killing, Sexton said.
